Get to know: How Super Extreme DUI in Arizona can affect your life?

Do you know about super extreme DUI?Have you been charged with DUI? If your BAC is about 0.20% in Arizona, you can be arrested and charged with a Super Extreme DUI. It is a crime to cross the legal limit, but it becomes even more severe if you exceed the limit of 0.08 % asContinue reading “Get to know: How Super Extreme DUI in Arizona can affect your life?”

How can a DWI attorney assist you?

In Arizona, driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) are considered serious criminal offenses. If you are charged with DUI, the court process can be quite lengthy for this type of conviction. A convict will have to pay hefty fines and even face serious prosecution. A DWI defense attorney is incredibly importantContinue reading “How can a DWI attorney assist you?”

How first time DUI felony can affect your life in Arizona?

Getting accused of the DUI might be the scariest thing that happens to you. You may be afraid of what penalties you might be facing. But few questions may stir up your mind. If I am a first time offender of DUI- What do I do? How do I find a DUI attorney for me?Continue reading “How first time DUI felony can affect your life in Arizona?”

Aggravated Domestic Violence Penalties in Arizona

The state of Arizona takes domestic violence seriously and imposes harsh penalties on those convicted of violent and criminal activity within a domestic dispute. However, if a person has been previously convicted of a domestic violence charge, subsequent charges can be even more severe. Aggravated Domestic Violence Aggravated Domestic Violence is when a person hasContinue reading “Aggravated Domestic Violence Penalties in Arizona”

Hire DUI Attorney for Quality Defense

Are you drunk while driving? If in Arizona, then it is not a misdemeanor, it’s an offense. “Arizona ranks 15th in the nation for being stern to the DUI laws. The state, where driving under the influence -means the more severe DUI, the more you pay then you expect.” You need to understand the harshContinue reading “Hire DUI Attorney for Quality Defense”

Building up a Strong Case with a Sound Criminal Defense Lawyer

Getting charged with a crime in Arizona can go terribly wrong if you don’t seek help through a criminal attorney. Even DUI is no less than a crime in Arizona, and the individual convicted for DUI might end up in prison with a heavy fine. Therefore, when individual rights get stuck in jeopardy or thereContinue reading “Building up a Strong Case with a Sound Criminal Defense Lawyer”

Domestic Violence- A Matter of Concern in the Modern Society

Domestic violence is altogether a common concern that still lingers in this modern society. Domestic violence certainly includes physical and sexual abuse by a family member, which could also include any kind of physical, or emotional bullying or intimidation by one or more family member. It’s a common perception that domestic violence is only directedContinue reading “Domestic Violence- A Matter of Concern in the Modern Society”

DUI As A Criminal Defense and It’s Convictions

The laws, Especially regarding drinking and driving, Are very stern in Arizona. Still, there might be a chance that a portion of people who are slightly unaware of this fact that drinking and driving is illegal and one could end up behind the bars. Even if an individual is unaware, then also the ignorance ofContinue reading “DUI As A Criminal Defense and It’s Convictions”

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